When Should you Consult a Sexual Assault or Abuse Lawyer?
The short answer is whenever you are ready. We encourage all survivors of sexual abuse or assault to seek the help of a medical or legal professional as soon as they are able.
However, if you or your loved one is not quite ready, you still may want to consult a lawyer. When you contact one of our sexual assault and abuse lawyers, please know that our consultations are free and completely confidential, whether we take your case or not.
While we are not criminal defence lawyers, we offer guidance and support to those involved with making criminal complaints against their abuser. Our focus, however, is helping survivors of sexual assault or abuse seek compensation and damages through civil lawsuits.
Know that you are not alone and that a Lerners Sexual Assault and Abuse lawyer is here to help you navigate and understand your rights and the best path forward. You may also wish to consult with a lawyer under the Independent Legal Advice program for survivors of sexual assault offered by the Government of Ontario.
We Help Survivors Get Justice
You have questions. We have answers. Rest assured that you don’t have to come to us, we’ll come to you and out consultations are free.